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The death of disinformation draws near.
He she me we did done reading read that
happen happening must be for a fact
people agree with me. They say it's here.

Out of control fire, ever higher:
immigration, Islam, dirty, danger,
no health care, Red Scare, corrupt campaigner,
carried in the water, from your father,
crossing borders, old new world orders,
many guns and too few in the same line,
left-wing, right-wing, all wings beating in time
to get you me we she him them us ours-


I'm here to tell you what must be the truth.
It's the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
I made that shit up to prove I was right,
and you swallowed it blindly, out of sight.

You are fake news. I know, I made, I saw.
You were all wrong. Time to forget it all.
Let's go, line by line, follow my finger
Up in smoke, a joke, a real zinger

Words plagiarized from the mind of... good God
You all believe it again and again.
Listen, love is hard, but isn't it odd
that hate can never find an easy end?

Well. Come one, come all. Let's go viral and
united we fall, divided we stand.
I tricked you and you tricked me, so we see


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